Hosted by globalEdu and Fidélitas University

Sustainability in a Global Environment Conference

We are looking forward to welcoming you to San José, Costa Rica, 5-6 August 2024, for the Conference on Sustainability in a Global Environment, sponsored by GlobalEdu (Costa Rica) and Troy University (USA). We invite you to collaborate, innovate, and exchange knowledge across disciplines to address sustainability in our global environment. Join us for interactive workshops, paper sessions, posters, and inspiring keynote speakers.

Presentation proposals are welcome in English for On-Site or Virtual presentations. Deadline. July 15th

5-6 August 2024

Conference Date

Optional Pre-Conference One day tour 4th August, 2024 U.S. $170

Conference Cost:
U.S. $50 includes lunch on both days, U.S.
$20 without lunches.

M.A. Elizabeth Rodriguez, globalEdu
Dr. Meg Milligan, Troy University

 Register for the Conference here

Conference on Sustainability in a Global Environment

Virtual Presentations

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